Mortgage Investment Corporation

$79.5 million

Assets under management as of December 31, 2024


Weighted Average Interest Rate as of December 31, 2024

CMCC’s High Yield MIC oversees mortgage funds for clients looking for high-yield, yet reliable returns.

Preserving capital with a focus on attractive returns to shareholders.

Canadian Mortgage Capital Corporation has been managing High Yield Mortgage Investment Corporation since early 2020. With over $75 million in mortgages within the portfolio, High Yield MIC operates with a higher risk criteria and a higher target yield than Atrium Mortgage Investment Corporation.

By leveraging our overall strategic approach to investing, incorporating an increased focus on liquid markets where we have the most expertise, targeting the most resilient real estate sectors, and prioritizing borrower partners with strong track records, High Yield MIC has delivered weighted average yields between 12-13% for the past 3 years. 



The Canadian Mortgage Capital Corporation team is able to provide bespoke and curated fund structures to match the needs of any investor.